• Case Closed Software™

    Investigation Case Management System

    For Law Enforcement, Government Agencies, 

    Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces, and Other Specialized Investigative Units.

investigation case management
Case Closed Software is the industry-leading choice for modernizing investigative agencies.

About Case Closed Software™

Case Closed Software is the leading CJIS-Compliant investigation case management software for law enforcement and specialized multi-jurisdictional units. 

With the most adaptable and powerful feature set on the market, our customers include:

Public Safety

​State Investigative Bureaus

Federal Agencies

Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces

Anti-Human Trafficking Groups

Internet Crimes against Children (ICAC) Teams

    ... and many more.

    Available in the cloud or on your server!

    Elevate Your Investigation Game

    Imagine a world where every lead, every piece of evidence, and every report aligns perfectly to paint a clear picture of the case at hand. Case Closed Software™ transforms this vision into reality, providing a comprehensive suite of tools that cater to the unique needs of specialized and multi-jurisdictional investigation units.

    ​Case Closed Software™ is uniquely featured, easy to use, and affordable investigation management system for your criminal investigation unit. 
    Available on our CJIS-Compliant Cloud or on your own servers, Case Closed Software uses a unique methodology called One-Page Case Management.

    ​Eliminate complex, hard-to-navigate systems with Case Closed Software for investigation management.
    Case Closed Software - Investigation Case Management Software
    Intuitive and easy to use, Case Closed Software provides the industry's most robust feature set for investigative agencies

    What Is Case Closed Software?

    CASE CLOSED SOFTWARE™ is the best investigation management system available. Case Closed Software is powerful web-based investigative case management software designed for specialized law enforcement units and multi-jurisdictional agencies. It is simply the most affordable yet feature-rich case management system for managing cases within law enforcement, federal agencies, DA offices, task forces, commercial investigation units, and more. 

    Case Closed Software is CJIS-Compliant, and is available both on our über-secure cloud or on your own servers. The software is the gold-standard for international agencies, specialized task forces, state bureaus of investigation, gang and organized crime units, and other more specialized investigative agencies. 

    Case Closed Software is trusted by customers including several Federal Agencies, State Investigation Bureaus, The Humane Society, Drug Task Forces, Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations, National Police Forces, State Revenue Agencies, Cybercrimes Unites, ICAC Task Forces, and more.

    Our Industry-Leading Features


    Manage and track cases from start to finish, including court status, disposition, charges, images, defendants and much more. A couple of clicks and you can email your entire case file. All case documents will automatically attach to the email and ready to go.


    This module holds all of your Statutes and tracks all related charges for all defendants. Attach charges to persons, track arrest information, manage court status, court dispositions. Manage documents and images related to any charge.

    Incidents and Actions

    The heartbeat of the system. Record all Case Actions and Incidents in this module such as Crime Scene details, Interviews, Trash Pulls, Search Warrants, Buys, Surveillance, etc. Within each Case Action, attach Persons, Vehicles, Locations, Images, and Notes. 

    Tasks and Messages

    Works hand in hand with Case Actions. Use the built-in calendar to set and assign tasks related to cases or case actions, along with attachments and other key details.
     Send and receive internal messages among all investigators for full collaboration.

    Entity De-Confliction

    Dealing with agent data from across jurisdictions can lead to duplication or, worse, missed investigative leads or follow-up opportunities.
    Case Closed Software provides 
    Entity De-Confliction designed to alert agents when People, Places, or other Entity Types are cross-tagged.

    CJIS Certified

    Case Closed Software adheres to strict policies designed specifically to comply with CJIS Standards. 
    Strong Encription, 2 Factor Authentication, and robust Security Protocols are delivered with Detailed Contracts for the CJIS Security Policy & IACP Principles on Cloud Computing.

    Realtime Translation

    Translated into over a half dozen languages already, Case Closed Software allows agents to enter notes in their selected language. Other users will see the case file information in the language of THEIR choice. Powerful for global teams, and a MUST for international investigations.

    Support and Service

    Nobody in the industry takes customer support more seriously than
    Case Closed Software. From ongoing training, to software support, and customized reports and input screens, we deliver everything needed to make your on-boarding and delivery process as seamless as it should be.

    Mobile App

    Use our Case Closed Mobile App to create and update cases, work on Case Actions and associated reports, follow up on tasks and tips, and send messages wherever you are.
    Use the microphone feature on your smart device and dictate information or notes in real time.

    Community Service

    Chances are, your agency does more than just investigate crimes. You also work hard on Community Outreach programs like Education, Public Awareness,  and Crime Prevention.
    Only Case Closed Software records all time spent on Community Service, Outreach, as well as traditional Cases.

    Tips Management

    Track all incoming tips for a case and automatically assign to an agent for follow up. Generate a task for the assigned investigator with the click of a button. Tips can be promoted to a Case with one click. All Tips are indexed within Case Closed Software and are fully searchable on any device.


    Securely manage confidential informants (CIs) and whistleblowers, Track interactions, intelligence gathered, and manage any payments on the spot. The identity of CIs remain confidential to all but designated personnel. Run reports based on your informants’ activities.

    Master Database

    A master database of all entities (people, locations, vehicles, etc) is built and maintained while working on cases. Documents and images are easily attached. All entities can be searched by any field so users can quickly find what they're looking for. Agents can add new entities on the fly without ever leaving the case.


    Plan case-specific special operations directly within the system. Identify objectives, risks, and operational details including arrest signals, backup signals, onsite threats, etc. Identify all participants and communication methods to ensure a successful interdiction, arrest, rescue, or other case objective.


    Uniquely built for multi-jurisdictional agencies, task forces, and other specialized investigation units. Users are assigned to participating agencies, and each agency maintains its own workflow and operating procedures. The underlying data and files are managed according to jurisdictional rules and practices.

    Case Files

    Attach all your pertinent documents and multimedia to your cases or case actions. Manage all of your case documents from one location. You can even watch your taped and recorded interviews from within Case Closed. A wide range of file types are supported including Microsoft® files, audio, video, PDF, and much more.


    Case Closed Report Writer provides agencies with powerful ad hoc reporting capabilities, along with an array of standardized queries for state and federal reporting requirements. This module allows you to analyze and view the data you collect in our investigative case management suite. 

    Case Reminders

    Set reminders about past due tasks, upcoming court, case or incidents to review, aging cases, un-read messages and training courses due. These reminders can be sent via email or SMS text. You can schedule these reminders to run daily, weekly etc.

    Intelligence Database

    Case Closed Software includes a secure, searchable repository of the agency’s intelligence data. Intelligence may be related to cases as appropriate and can be configured for compliance with Code of Federal Regulation 28 Part 23. 

    Remote Review

    Allows investigators to create read-only remote access to their case file. The authorized person can watch and listen to audio and video files. Additionally, the user can correspond with the case agent through our secure messaging system.

    Investigation Analytics

    Use our integrated entity visualization tool to visualize and discover hidden relationships, connections, and patterns among people, places, and events. Easily see how cases are connected within the entire case file system.


    GangBuster™ is a comprehensive gang module that tracks gangs and other organizations including members, associates, events. View organization members and hierarchies with ease. Includes a full approval system for admission.

    Property & Evidence

    Case Closed Evidence provides chain-of-custody, and allows you to track property, evidence and assets to improve the efficiency and accuracy of your evidence room. Eliminate paperwork and save evidence room officers hours of labor.

    Forms Management

    Load and access all of your PDF forms from within Case Closed. Fillable PDFs can be opened and attached to cases with ease. Link form fields directly to the Case Closed database to auto populate your documents and save precious time.

    Harness the Strength of Collaboration

    The true strength of an investigation lies in collaboration. Case Closed Software fosters this spirit by providing a platform where information flows freely yet securely, connecting dots across jurisdictions and uniting teams under a common goal. The intuitive interface invites you to dive in and navigate with ease, breaking down barriers to effective communication and strategy.